Tuesday, October 11, 2011


When I read this all I could think of was, wow! People like my baseball hero Babe Ruth actually sucked at what they were so well known for? I was shocked, because I mean yeah I had heard people say that if I practice this or I do that then I will get better at doing but I never did. But during the intense study sessions we had for the CAHSSE exams, all I could do was panic. I could easily pass the humanities and science portions, but math was my worst enemy! So after moping around for a few days feeling sorry for myself, I heard a classmate talk about his hero, Michael Jordan. As I listened I suddenly felt inspired, I wanted to pass the math section no matter what. So taking out every note from that year I could find, I approached Charlene who was currently my math teacher and had her and various other people who were "naturally" good at math and asked for their help. With that determined mind set I studied and studied until the day of the test. When I received my score I was happy to find that I had a high and passing score. Of course due to a lazy personality I quickly lost that motivation to keep studying vigorously for math tests. But due to experiencing success at being motivated to do school work, I subconsciously began applying that same method of motivation in my everyday school life and noticed improvement. Not only were my grades improving in things like math but I actually enjoyed classes and spaced out less. Even my teachers agreed that the method I was using could help students who struggled in certain subjects.

"He also loved to practice." a quote on Babe Ruth. This is a very fine point to have, because to have motivation you must find something to enjoy and look forward to when practicing or doing something that is tough for you. Whether it be the shapes and patters that I personally love in math, of simply wanting to find out what happens next in the assigned reading. Motivation and passion are key to help you improve and stick to what ever you are doing.